Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Goodbyes are the Worst.

The boys were up at 7am, bless their hearts.  Uncle Buddy and aunt Coco left early yesterday morning before the sun came up.  Griff was terribly sad upon waking to find out.  Even though we had discussed it and said our goodbyes the night before.  My heart hurt as G searched the empty house just to be sure they had gone.  This morning over breakfast Griff begged to watch the video Eric had made for us.  We watched it over and over at his request and the boys laughed each time they saw themselves on the screen.  The second or third time around I couldn't help but tear up.  I am so grateful family came to stay.  I'm so glad they love my kids and are attentive to them.  My brother has grown into such an awesome person and I can't wait for him to become a dad.

Thanks for the visit you two, i mean three!

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